Cloud Rain Humidifier
የተፈጥሮ የዝናብን ክንዉን ከነደመናዉ በቤቶ
-በዓይን ሲታይ የደመና ቅርፅ ያለዉ
-ከ6 በላይ ተቀያያሪ color ያለዉ ልክ እንደ ቀስተ ደመና
-ከታች ዉሃ ስታረጉበት Automatically ወደ ላይ እየመጣ እንደ ዝናብ የሚወርድ
-የዉሃ የመዉረድ መጠኑን መቀነስ ና መጨመር የሚያስችል
-ለቤታችሁ (ለቢሮ ) ጥሪ መዓዛ የሚሰጥ ና ቤታችሁን (ቢሮቹሁን) ምታስዉበት ልዮ humidifier
-ማንኛዉንም ያላቹሁን ሽቶ ጠብ በማረግ ብቻ እያንዳንዱን የዝናብ ጠብታ ለቤታችሁ ጥሩ ጠረን እንዲኖረዉ የሚያረግ
-የዝናብ ምስል ና ድምፅ ስለሚፈጥሩ ጥሩ እንቅልፍ እንድንተኛ የሚረዳን
About this item
Super long time for dispersing the oil: can take over 48 hours to add
water as soon as the essential oil is distributed with the running water
Moisten the dry air a little and do not add too much moisture to the
air: Add to your living room, office, bedroom or anywhere you need to
add a relaxing touch. The flowing water can add some negative ions and
energy to the environment
How to add water to the night light: please remove the resistant
spilled shadow and add enough water near the scale line, but do not add
water beyond the scale line.
- 7 changing colors: the night light creates a relaxing and comfortable atmosphere that is good for sleep
Can work separately without connecting to the power supply: when the
battery is fully charged, it can work for more than 15 hours.