Toothbrush UV Sterilizer and Dispenser
-የጥርስ ብሩሽዎ ላይ ምን እንዳለ ያውቁ ይሆን?
-ተመራማሪዎች ባደረጉት የተለያዩ ጥናቶች መሠረት በአንድ ጥርስ ብሩሽ ላይ በአማካኝ ወደ 1.2 ሚሊዮን የሚጠጉ 5 አይነት የባክቴሪያ ዝርያዎች ይርመሰመሳሉ!!
-ከእነዚህ ባክቴሪያዎች ራስዎንና ቤተሰብዎን የሚጠብቁበት ቀላል መፍትሄ
-ባክቴሪያ በሚገድለው 'ኣልትራ ቫዮሌት' ጨረርን በመጠቀም ከጥርስ ብሩሽዎ ላይ ባክቴሪያዎችን የሚያስወግድ
-በተጨማሪም የጥርስ ሳሙናዎን በመያዝ በቁጠባ መጠቀም የሚያስችልዎ
➡️አጠቃቀሙ ቀላል ስለሆነ የማያስቸግርዎ
➡️በአንድ ጊዜ 4 ጥርስ ብሩሾችን የሚይዝ
➡️ቻርጅ ተደጎ ስለሚሰራ መብራት ሳይኖርም የሚያገለግል
➡️ ካበሩት በኋላ ሲጨርስ በራሱ የሚያጠፋ
➡️ ሀይል ቆጣቢ
About this item
[Bactericidal toothbrush holder] This intelligent ultraviolet
toothbrush holder with sterilization function can clean 99.9% of
bacteria in tens of seconds. Using ultraviolet rays, up to 4
toothbrushes can be sterilized at a time.
[Automatic power-off protection] The ultraviolet toothbrush sterilizer
has a built-in PIR near-infrared proximity detector, which will
automatically shut down when someone approaches. This design can
effectively prevent ultraviolet rays from harming users. When you leave,
the lid of the toothbrush holder will automatically start working.
[Light energy charging, USB charging] Toothbrush sterilizer light
energy charging, using solar panels, it can be effectively charged with
any light. USB charging, toothbrush sterilizer can be charged via USB
[Portable Installation]-Wall-mounted design, no external power cord,
easy to clean and install. Tear off the double-sided adhesive protective
film of the toothbrush holder and fix it on the bathroom glass or
smooth wall.
[Multiple storage racks] This ultraviolet toothbrush sterilizer also
has toothpaste squeezing and storage functions. You can hang 4
toothbrushes (even electric toothbrushes) in order to make your bathroom
cleaner and more organized
Product description -